…a new dawn, a new morning, a new chance… (podcast included)

Listen to this post[haiku url= “http://www.tracyrosen.com/leadingfromtheheart.org/wp-content/uploads/podcasts/NewDawnAug7.mp3” title= “a new dawn, a new morning, a new chance”] **today’s post houses my first podcast. Read here for notes on the process.**

mindmap for today's post, made with labyrinth mind-mapping software: http://www.gnome.org/~dscorgie/labyrinth.html

mindmap for today’s post, made with labyrinth mind-mapping software

Resources to help me prepare for the new year:

(Instead of sending you off to tracyrosen.com (which you still could do you know, there’s some fun stuff there) I decided to bring the pertinent links here. Economy of click and all ;) )

There are some more, but this here’s a good starting point.
(don’t forget to read the comments – a lot of the learning happens after the post is written. At least for me.)

Know of any others? Hook me up and I’ll add them to the list!

Voicethread on classroom management – add your voice! Just click on the ‘comment’ button and go for it.

Book Lifeline

Mackenzie, R.J. (2003). Setting Limits in the Classroom (Revised): How to move beyond the dance of discipline in today’s classrooms

Listen to Omar Offendum’s New Day (RIP Nina Simone) by going to the Cosherink.com page and scrolling through the player. Heck, while you’re at it listen to all the tracks.

They’re hot.CosherInk player <– Clicky Clicky


Today I’m testing out podcasting.

  • Discovery 1 – it’s easy-peasy with the tools (labyrinth and gnome sound-recorder) that came bundled in my Ubuntu 8.04 OS :) and an audio plugin that I already had installed on my blog.
  • Discovery 2 – planning is a good thing when it comes to podcasting. And, for those who like to see/read. I’ve included the plan in this post.
  • Discovery 3 – I’ll do it again. But
    • a) I’d like to teach myself how to use audacity so I can integrate more music and other sound-bytes into the audio. Maybe. I did like the simplicity of the gnome sound-recorder :)
    • I’d like to use ogg vorbis instead of mp3 so I’ll have to find another way to integrate the audio into each post. Though again, I do like the simplicity of the plugin I use already – only thing is, it only recognizes mp3.



3 responses to “…a new dawn, a new morning, a new chance… (podcast included)”

  1. Tracy Avatar

    Elona – I just noticed your addition to the voicethread! I’m glad you added your voice. Respect definitely plays a big role. (Not much of it in a classroom with a caged tiger I don’t think!)

  2. Tracy Avatar

    Hi Elona,
    I think you were reading as I was doing some editing! I brought the links from tracyrosen.com here – AND included a link back there…just for the fun of it ;)

    I am looking forward to this school year and, like I said in the podcast, I plan on keeping you and others on speed-twit – I’m so lucky to have met such great mentors/coaches/colleagues online.

  3. Elona Hartjes Avatar

    Great first podcast. You are a natural! Can hardly wait to hear the next one. Like the graphic too, but then I’m a strong visual learner. When you talk about the alternative program you’ll be teaching next year, it brings back lots of fond memories for me of kids that I taught in the different alternative programs over the years. It’s so rewarding. You really get to make a difference.

    Oh, could you put a link to your other blog, please.

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