Image: Conversation by thehighschoolchick made available on flickr with a creative commons license.
Lately I have been voraciously reading and learning from different edubloggers. I am seeing my passion for authentic learning for our kids (and myself!) reflected in their posts. Here are just a few of the posts that have turned my crank in the past few days:
Connected Curriculum – Relevant Reality on Durff’s Blog
Getting Lucky and Making Change on Thinking Allowed
School Administrators are Gatekeepers on Back by the Bell
The Rules of Engagement on Notes from the Ridge
Curriculum 2.0 on MEDagogy
Failing Schools Pass Students on TeacherJay
Important Questions about School Leader Preparation on LeaderTalk
And I’m going to include this one, which is one of mine, because I’m enjoying the conversation that is happening in the comments.
How does Technology fit with Learning? on Leading from the Heart
Thanks to all you edubloggers who help to keep my mind working and my passion strong around teaching and learning.
My wish is that the conversations continue!
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