
Twitter is replacing my feed reader

These twitter birds were created by Luc Latulippe and are available as a free download on his site. Click the image to go there. Really. I am afraid to hit my feed reader. In the past if I missed a day or two I’d be overwhelmed with the amount of information that fed into my Twitter is replacing my feed reader

Being together

Kindness, I’ve discovered, is everything in life. Isaac Bashevis Singer (via nezua) Yesterday I commented on Kelly Hines’ post Core Beliefs about my own core belief that learning happens in community. Today I found this beautiful sentence in  Michael Doyle’s post Puddles: When one wanders away from one’s usual world, it’s good to have company. Being together

Honouring their commitment to change

Because if they can make such deep and significant personal change in such a short time then they can do anything.

Reporting out and Following up

BlogHer Boston, personal research in organizational learning, following up on older posts…

24 hours in the life of me…Oh, and BlogHer 08

Underwater dust storm. Thats what the day felt like. Image by Karen Glaser