
A note (again) on digital citizenship

I originally published this post in May of 2013. I feel this rant coming on again…so here you go. I hear so many educators complain about how technology is hijacking our students’ education. How they don’t know how to be digital citizens. How they are addicted. How all they care about is YouTube and Facebook A note (again) on digital citizenship

so. technology is not the goal. what is?

Playing with Coggle, which I read about on Avi Spector’s blog, Beyond the Tools. Pretty neat little thinking tool.

Motivation, feedback, tech, and me.

The ‘and me’ is key. This is in reference to me as a teacher and therefore a creator of learning situations. How do I use myself as a motivating instigator with those I teach? How do I provide effective feedback to those I teach? How do I recognize the feedback I receive from those I Motivation, feedback, tech, and me.

Once again…it’s not about technology

I saw this image floating around twitter this morning and it pretty much sums up what I think about technology and learning. We don’t want to use technology for the sake of having a fancy, shiny tool to bedazzle our audience into learning. Like THAT’S going to work. An iPad is not going to instantly Once again…it’s not about technology

A culture of reading (+ technology)

I have had a series of conversations with different teachers and other educators about reading. Invariably the notion of a culture of reading comes up and just as invariably it is pitted against ‘technology’, as if it is something we need to save from the onslaught of technology. Reading programs at schools and centres often A culture of reading (+ technology)