Invention at Play

I discovered Adam Hunt via his comment on my latest LeaderTalk post. When I went to peruse his blog, I was met with his review of this great (fun) interactive game resource for the classroom (click the logo to go):

I’m having fun and I’m going to test it out on my students next week.

I also like the conversations on play that are available for viewing on the site, including transcripts. Here’s a quote from the site:

“Children are making up theories of the world, going out and testing those theories, doing experiments to explore those theories, and that testing and experimentation is what we see when we see play. Even the very youngest children are already doing some of the same things that scientists are doing.”
–Alison Gopnik, Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, co-author, The Scientist in the Crib

Here’s a direct link to the section of the site with the videos –> Does Play Matter?

Do you play in your classroom?


5 responses to “Invention at Play”

  1. Armastevs Avatar

    Hey man nice blog, just wanted to show some love

  2. Tracy Avatar

    Thanks Jose. I’ve got a great template to work with, though it has been challenging formatting the sidebar (not widget friendly…). I am liking having to think in images for my posts!

  3. jose Avatar

    Your site’s dope. A lot better than I could have even imagined. You’ve learned a lot of CSS in a short amount of time and it’s evident. :-)

  4. Tracy Avatar

    Welcome Adam! I am still migrating some things over from my old site, if you want to sneak a peak. Trying to be a bit selective and choose things that I find still relevant today.

    Have you ever been up to Montreal? Now is the time to do it – Montreal in the spring and summer is gorgeous! Especially this year, after record snowfalls (way over 9 feet of snow I think…)


  5. Adam Avatar


    Thanks for the comments and the link! You have a lot of great resources here…can’t wait to spend more time checking them out!

    By the way…I consider myself half Canadian…my mom is from Canada originally (born in Montreal, actually-but moved to the US when she was 3)…


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