Good times.

Things to celebrate:

It’s Passover. Matzah brei and maple syrup is yummy. Even though 8 days of it may cause a few adverse effects, right now it is still yummy.

My sister and her husband have found a house in Wilmington, North Carolina (Would be more of a celebration if it were closer to home, just saying). They still need to sell their home in Athens, Ohio though. If you are looking, contact her by clicking the link :)

So far 10 of our 25 grade 11 students have received acceptance letters from their CEGEPs of choice. Most of the others have plans for trade schools. I’m absolutely tickled pink for all of them!

This coming 4 day weekend is expected to have sunny days with temperatures in the low to mid 20s. Nice.


3 responses to “Good times.”

  1. Allison Avatar

    Tracy – I love you. You are a great sister. I don’t think I tell you that often enough. And it’s a trillion metres.

  2. Tracy Avatar

    Yes…if it works out – not quite a done deal yet!

    I remember how stressful it was for me when I decided to buy a house – and I was only moving me and my dogs from a small apartment in Montreal to a house in the countryside about an hour away. She’s going from a packed house in Ohio to who knows what in North Carolina, with 3 year old twins, and a husband, and a billion metres of fabric and sundries.

    Once she gets there it’ll be nice, not too sure the going there’ll be so nice ;)

  3. Jose Avatar

    Nice going for your sis!
    .-= Jose´s last blog ..Short Notes: The Best Book Intro I’ve Read In Ages =-.

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