
The Changing Face of Economics Class (and advertising)

**cross-posted at AdultEd.TracyRosen.Com** The idea of advertisement is in constant evolution. It is becoming more and more personal. Google’s ads are streamlined to reflect our search queries and sites like facebook do the same thing. Test it out. Do a search for something specific on Google. Like a particular kind of shoe or boot. Then The Changing Face of Economics Class (and advertising)

In the name of honour…not: Teachable takeaway from the Shafia verdict

Turning on the car yesterday morning and the first words I heard from CBC were Shafia. On the television, in the newspaper, on my Internet browser…Shafia, Shafia, Shafia. And honour killing. Afghans around the world were interviewed to comment on honour killing. Random people on the street felt their country’s values vindicated through the guilty In the name of honour…not: Teachable takeaway from the Shafia verdict

Teaching in the dark

Lately I have been teaching in the dark. Our school has no Internet access. The students have none at home, either. What do we do? We read. We have conversations, live conversations, about what we read. We look for solutions together and they are made from the stuff of our brains. Did I mention that Teaching in the dark

How has your teaching practice changed?

Mine is constantly changing, developing, evolving. I think if my teaching stayed the same for too long, I’d have to question what I was doing: stasis would undermine my determination to create meaningful learning situations. My students are always changing so how could I stay the same? Also, it would be really boring to do How has your teaching practice changed?

Trusting your teachers should trump tech savvy in administration

Scott asks: Do administrators have to be technology-savvy themselves in order to be effective technology leaders in their organizations? I used to think yes, now I think not so much. What administrators need to be is trusting of their teachers. Technological change happens in the classroom. It won’t happen if it is dictated from above, Trusting your teachers should trump tech savvy in administration