
Clear eyes and a full heart go for teaching, too.

Clear eyes. Full heart. Can’t lose. Trite football cheer from a tv show, perhaps but all the same, I’d say it’s ‘how-to-be-a-good-teacher’ in a cheer. Clear eyes – stay focused on what it is you need to do: Teach kids, work towards deeper understandings, create learners. Full heart – love what you do and who Clear eyes and a full heart go for teaching, too.

Report Card Jargon and Teacher/Parent communication

Even though I was already on maternity leave 2 months before our first report cards (note that a ‘progress’ report was issued in November) were sent home I graded and wrote comments for my students based on the first part of the year and gave those marks/comments to the teacher who replaced me who could Report Card Jargon and Teacher/Parent communication

Digitally native? What about humanly native?

If you’ve read some of my older posts regarding the notion of ‘digital literacy’ or, gasp, ‘digital literacies‘ you may have an inkling as to where my mind may go when it reads the trendy, robot evoking, term ‘digital native’. It goes along the same path as Deven Black’s did in Where Are All the Digitally native? What about humanly native?

What does learning in a techy world look like in your classroom?

I can’t think of a different way to put it. For some reason I hate the phrases ‘learning with technology, learning with tech, technology based learning, even learning in a techy world’ and any other statement that puts an emphasis on the technology, as if it is something different from the tools of learning to What does learning in a techy world look like in your classroom?

Thanks for your help: learning more about tech (digital storytelling) in secondary classrooms

I’ve received quite a bit of response from my plea for help in organizing a workshop I’ve been asked to give on integrating technology into secondary classrooms (2 workshops, one in English one in French) – Thank you :) I’ll be using Teaching is a Verb – Enseigner, C’est Agir to share information with the Thanks for your help: learning more about tech (digital storytelling) in secondary classrooms