What do you think when you think évaluation?

Here are my explanations. Translated into English below.

Continuel – l’évaluation est un aspect de mon enseignement que je suis toujours en train de faire.

Conversations – l’évaluation pour moi est comme une conversation entre moi et l’élève, ainsi que leurs parents. C’est une conversation qui permet l’amélioration continuel.

Rubriques – On parle beaucoup de rubriques en évaluation. Je ne suis pas très pour les rubriques. Je trouve qu’ils limitent l’imagination de l’élève. En même temps je crois que c’est important que les attentes soient claires, alors c’est une idée dont que je pense souvent.

Bulletins – Souvent les évaluations sont liées aux bulletins et il y a beaucoup d’enseignant(e)s qui les font seulement pour les bulletins.

Auto-évaluation – C’est important que je m’évalue comme enseignante tout le temps. Les évaluations pour moi sont un genre d’auto-évaluation, car ils permettent une réflexion sur comment j’ai enseigné le sujet qui est en évaluation et comment je pourrais le modifier pour améliorer les situations d’apprentissages.


Ongoing – evaluation is a part of my teaching that I do all the time.

Conversations – I see evaluation as a conversation between me and my students, as well as their parents. It’s a conversation that allows for continual improvement.

Rubrics – I don’t really like rubrics because I think they limit the imagination of a student. At the same time I believe in the importance of clear expectations, so this is something I think about often.

Report cards – many teachers only evaluate when it is time to write report cards.

Self-evaluation – It’s important for me continually evaluate myself as a teacher. When I evaluate student work it is a way to reflect on how I taught the subject being evaluated and how I can improve learning situations in the future.


5 responses to “What do you think when you think évaluation?”

  1. Topher Avatar

    I agree about rubrics. I like clear expectations, and they certainly help with that, but they also kind of box up the assignment neatly when it’s just not as simple as that, or not exactly what I want. Still, some of the better rubrics I’ve had included input from students – changing wording, making things clearer or even generalizing things that were too specific.

    Also, just love the post in both languages. :)

  2. elona Avatar

    I agree with you that self-evaluation is really important and keeps teaching fresh for me.

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  4. Miss Teacha Avatar

    Ilove the idea of self evaluations. I usually have students evaluate their participation and portfolios in my class. But this year, I’m thinking students should self evaluate more–maybe they could grade their own projects–see how their grade compares with mine. Maybe it would increase the quality of their work.

    1. Tracy Avatar

      @Miss Teacha, I was talking about how evaluating students helps me to evaluate myself as a teacher but you are right – student self-evaluations are important parts of the evaluation process as well!

      Thanks for your comment :)

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