Moon howling tired.
At school last night until 5:30, working with students, correcting, planning. Woke at 4:30 to finish correcting history review assignments before class today. Will probably be at work until 5:30 or later again today.
I crave my weekends so I can sleep in and not feel like I need to pack every single second of my spare time with planning and correcting. The time usually allocated to that during the day is spent with students. Yesterday I had 45 minutes in which to do some planning during the day. I spent 35 of it talking with a student, sorting out an issue, during which time I was called the rudest, most disrespectful teacher ever. And was told that she wants to quit school because of me. Nice.
At the end of the day I read a piece of poetry by another student that brought tears to my eyes. Her younger brother is dying. It was a love poem for him.
For the first time ever my weakest student stayed after school and admitted she needs help with her work.
A new student started this week, she confided something personal and scary to me.
It’s so easy to feel tired when holding all of these stories.
It’s the emotional support that some of our students need that is so draining.
Elona Hartjess last blog post at [site]..Students project their emotional stress onto teachers and the outcome is not condusive to learning.
It sure can be, Elona. I’m reminded of a post from the beginning of October: