‘Seeking to understand’ in action

If only humans had it this easy when it comes to understanding each other
If only humans had it this easy when it comes to understanding each other

A norm that I aspire to, however difficult it can be at times is this one:

Seek to understand before being understood.

I just read a story about an administrator who practices this norm.

From Karen S. about a Kindergarten student in trouble in Talking Him Off the Ledge at Talkworthy:

“In a few minutes, he got the idea that I wasn’t there to make his day more miserable but that I was genuinely trying to understand him.”

She described the encounter between herself and the child as magical. I felt the magic as I read her words. Karen is a true leader. Go read the whole story. It’s a story worth listening to, sharing, and believing.

“We are responsible not only for the stories we tell and the stories we listen to, but for the stories we choose to believe.” ~Thomas King


2 responses to “‘Seeking to understand’ in action”

  1. mike Avatar

    Hi Tracy… hope this finds you well.

    Yes… listening provides “psychological air”.

    Have you heard of LSCI? http://www.lsci.org/welcome

    I enjoy your writings!

    be well… mike

    1. Tracy Avatar

      Mike, thank you so much for your comments and your links to resources. You have some great ones and I’m so glad you share them with me. I can’t always visit them right away but I do bookmark them for later.

      I hope to have more time to explore your resources now that the hectic first month and a bit of school is settling into the smooth (most of the time) thrum of a working year.


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