MyBlogLog Disappoints

Nov. 17 –> I have decided to discontinue my use of MyBlogLog. Not only do I find this contest wrong but I posted a comment to their thread about the issue (evidently I am not the only one who takes offense) about 3 or 4 days ago and it has not been approved for posting. When I am not comfortable with a company’s services I stop using them.

This silly contest was the first thing, then either not posting a comment because it criticizes the contest OR being negligent in responding to a community member’s criticism on their own forum was the second.

So not impressed.

From Nov. 12 –> Here is a note I recently wrote to the MyBlogLog staff:

I have met bloggers on this site from all over the world. I myself am from Canada. I think that your decision to open up a contest only to US citizens is disrespectful to all of the other bloggers out there who use your services.
Really bad decision on MyBlogLog’s part!
I am thinking of leaving this community. It is not one that welcomes all of its members :(
Tracy Rosen
ps – oh, and I am blogging about this…

What do you think? Am I overreacting? I think contests that are advertised on sites that cater to an international audience should be available to that audience. It is a generous contest that asks for participants to work at building up their communities. Sites like MyBlogLog are participatory community sites. Wouldn’t it be lovely if all of the members of the community were considered as equal participants?

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4 responses to “MyBlogLog Disappoints”

  1. Tracy Rosen Avatar
    Tracy Rosen

    79k? How could that be?

    I wonder why you still use their service – I canceled mine on a principal, but 79k???

  2. azrin Avatar

    You are not the only one in this problem dear. I had a legal lawsuit of the Privacy Issues regarding MBL to Yahoo! as the way the tracking is done, and this is in relation to the accounts that PAYS for the PRO service.

    In all, I was outta pocket for over $79k in freebies and compensation to my readers and customers who complain about this issue.

    Best Regards

    Azrin @

  3. Tracy Rosen Avatar
    Tracy Rosen

    Thanks for pointing me to the post. I commented on it this morning, though my comment is still awaiting moderation.

    It still does not make sense to me. Oh, we are sorry, most of our community can not participate, really sorry, but we’re doing the contest anyways?? C’mon! Either find a contest that works for everyone or don’t offer it!

  4. Ian Kennedy Avatar

    Yes, it’s not ideal but legal restrictions kept us from making this a global contest for everyone. Sorry about that, Robyn’s written a post as well.

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