I can do it

I’m 28 weeks pregnant and along with that comes clumsiness – apparently brought on by the hormone Relaxin, destined to allow the uterus and all its accessories to ‘relax’ and stretch but extends itself to relax all of the body’s accessories. The clumsiness manifested itself in broken toes as I walked over into the wooden baby gate that allows the cats easy escape to the bathroom where big bad Toby (dog) can’t get at them.

I’m our school’s core French teacher, which means I don’t have a classroom. I walk from class to class. So this big body is being maneuvered by my mangled paw.

Who would’ve thought a toe break could hurt so much?

Ok. There’s my vent for the day.
Have a good one, all.


8 responses to “I can do it”

  1. Andrea Hernandez Avatar

    I am so behind on blog reading….I had no idea you were pregnant. Just wanted to say a big congratulations. Love the picture, you look great. I guess you’re already a few weeks closer by now….so exciting!

  2. Linda704 Avatar

    Tracy, you look FABULOUSLY BEAUTIFUL! I’ve had a broken toe…it does hurt like H-E-double-hockey-sticks! Hope it heals soon.

    1. Tracy Avatar

      @Linda704, thanks Linda!
      It’s getting there, though every time I think it’s healed I’ll do a funny step and realize it isn’t…

  3. elona Avatar

    Congratulations- not on breaking your toe. On being pregnant. I guess I haven’t been keeping up.

    1. Tracy Avatar

      @elona, thanks! 10 weeks to go!

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by tracyrosen, tracyrosen. tracyrosen said: We've all had days like this, right? New post: I can do it http://is.gd/gzddm […]

  5. Tracy Rosen Avatar

    Thanks LeeAnn – that’s exactly what I plan to do. After I walk those dogs…

  6. LeeAnn Avatar

    Aww, I hope your toe feels better soon! On the bright side, you look adorable. Put your feet up when you get home and enjoy your little kicker.

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