…but good ones. And free. Not asking for much, eh? ;)
So far I have found a number of free text-to-speech readers, but they all sound VERY computer-y and as such are not really helpful for my students. They find them difficult to understand.
I’m looking for free because, well, we’re in a public school and expensive programs to use with only a few students are not so easy to ask for!
Though…if anyone can recommend a REALLY GOOD text-to-speech reader with multiple functionalities and an easy user interface with a reasonable fee, I’d like to know about that, too.
Here is a collection of what I have found so far (actually, this is a great review site):
Free text-to-speech software downloads
And here is one I just found and will have to try:
Thanks for your suggestions, Mark and Ken. I will take some time to explore your programs. On first glance, I see that neither of them support a linux OS, which is unfortunate!
Hello Tracy,
I’m not quite sure your exact requirements but you may want to consider Text2Go. You can listen to the voices available at http://www.text2go.com/Voices/tabid/64/Default.aspx
Text2Go is not free. It costs US$45, which includes a decent sounding voice. If you’re interested, contact me directly and I’ll explain the licensing requirements for an academic environment.
You’re also most welcome to take advantage of our free 30-day trial.