Cite, I say, Cite! Student engagement & improved learning

I was asked to find some sources to support this statement I made:

Student engagement is primary. Of course it guarantees learning.

Here are a few. I’m hoping you can add some more :)

Engagement Theories

Strategies and how-to’s

And, really, I can go on. Some of you know how much I love to do research! But I’m hoping for you to help out here. What proof do you have that engagement improves learning? What do you base that proof on?



4 responses to “Cite, I say, Cite! Student engagement & improved learning”

  1. Topher Avatar

    Great posting! I’ll have to take a look at them tomorrow and see what I can add when my brain and body is back together again!

    1. Tracy Avatar

      @Topher, What made them fly apart? :)

    1. Tracy Avatar

      @teachermrw, Nice one. I’m adding it to the strategies list :)

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