It’s a task, trying to trackback how I discovered something via social media. I follow a modest hundred or so people on twitter, have a few hundred friends on the book, and then there are the bloggers in my rss feed. But I am pretty darn sure I found out about Blogapalooza via @Linda704.
Like I needed to find MORE blogs to read! But what can I say, there are some pretty good finds here and I’m glad I participated.
So what is Blogapalooza? It’s Robert Hruzek‘s baby over at Middle Zone Musings. This year, it’s a group writing project called What I Learned From 2008, and participants were asked to create a list of our favourite blog posts, ones from our own blogs, 1 per month of 2008.
Here’s my What I Learned post. And that list you see at the bottom of this post? It is a list of the 128 bloggers who participated in this year’s event, organized alphabetically by first name.
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