I unlocked the key to Mysql and Php :)

Saved by Now and Here on Flickr
Image: Hallelujah by David Farrant found on flickr

If you are reading this you must have landed here in the few minutes I am using to test my creation of a new database on the new server. kinda scary playing with mysql and php but I think I did it!

about to publish…the real test…

(This shoutout goes to ME!)


5 responses to “I unlocked the key to Mysql and Php :)”

  1. Tracy Avatar

    not too far…almost there

  2. David Farrant Avatar

    Ha… thanks for the use of the picture… Acknowledged over here on its page.

    With the ability to link to a MySQL database via php, could total domination of the galaxy be far behind? ;-)

  3. Tracy Avatar

    I have! Thanks to you Maaike :)

  4. Maaike Avatar

    Well done :-)

    And you’ve discovered wp-cumulus as well, from the looks of it :-)


  5. Tracy Avatar

    does the comment function work?
    If you can see this..it does!

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