What I am thankful for at the moment

Coffee in the morning.
Seeing my Betty cat come home after 5 days gone.
My students, for sharing.
That moment in the classroom where learning clicks into a buzz of activity.
Once a month dinner club with the girls is tonight. The theme is Texan. Though I had the best of intentions I hear IGA makes a great pecan pie :)
My students, for caring.


Teachers who give hugs when needed.
52 Sketchbooks to look at today.
The warmth and crackle of the fire.
Yesterday the sun came out. And was still out past 4:30.
The crunch of the snow under my dogs’ paws.
Pedagogical days.


5 responses to “What I am thankful for at the moment”

  1. David Locklear Avatar

    I like the Hallmark Channnel is has a lot to do with the heart of people. This web site reminds me of the good stories on the TV channel. It is the little things that make us real happy. May God Bless all of you!

  2. Tracy Avatar

    Thanks, Elona & Mike. It’s nice to hear feedback like that. I ended up forgoing the night out. What a Friday I had! One thing about living out in the country, it makes socializing when exhausted a little tricky.

  3. mike Avatar

    Hi Tracey…. hope this finds you well and glad to hear the sun is starting to stay around longer for you up there!!! Just wanted to let you know that i enjoy reading your blog and your thoughts about teaching and “being” with kids…… very human….very real

    Thanks…. hope the night out was fun… mike

  4. Elona Avatar

    Thanks for starting my Friday morning off so positively.
    .-= Elona´s last blog ..The 53 hours a week teens spend on media use is way too much of a good thing. =-.

  5. tracyrosen (tracyrosen) Avatar

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    New blog post: What I am thankful for at the moment [link to post]

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