Scott McLeod’s post First … Then … Now … Next introduced me to the 4-slides sales pitch contest, hosted by Dan Meyer at dy/dan. Here are my slides.
This was fun to do – AND I discovered an alternative to SlideShare, which has yet to work for me! It is called SlideBurner.
**update – now that I have moved to I can no longer embed SlideBurner files into my posts, which I find strange since is powered by wordpress…
So, I have discovered a work around for SlideShare. Even though it advertises acceptance of .odp files, it did not like them from my Ubuntu run operating system. I had to save the files as a .ppt file in OpenOffice and was able to upload it.
Revisiting…loved the slide show! As an amateur physicist, the entanglement concept resonates with me, as well…and the inclusive nature of the blogosphere REALLY drive home that concept…the possibilities are endless…
Thanks Kevin – that entanglement concept is key for me.
As for SlideShare…I know how it should work, the problem is that it doesn’t even allow me to upload files. Each time I try I receive a conversion failed error. But thanks for trying to help me out with it!
At least there is another option with SlideBurner :)
Great slideshow. I like the “entanglement” concept — it seems to capture the idea of people coming together and finding meaning in things.
Also, I did not know about Slideburner, so thanks for the lead. I have used SlideShare with my edublogs — just grab the WordPress code and insert into the post while in HTML editor.
Thanks for sharing
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