
Gotta Celebrate

Yesterday was one of those amazing, magical Montreal springtime days that remind us all why we suffer the cold and snow for 4-6 months of the year. The sun was shining and warm, people were on the streets in short sleeves, some even in shorts. The light stayed with us until almost 8 in the Gotta Celebrate

Not in our name.

I. I try to teach my students to care. To care about each other and that, in order to do so, we need to go outside of ourselves. It is probably one of the more difficult things I try to do, and it isn’t always something I do explicitly. It is in our actions together, Not in our name.

When I was 14…

she who doth protest too much

students students students: the moon is howling

It’s so easy to feel tired when holding all of these stories.

Honouring their commitment to change

Because if they can make such deep and significant personal change in such a short time then they can do anything.