A while ago I created a post in response to recurring themes I was seeing in many blogs around creating change in our schools towards authentic, meaningful learning situations for our students and teachers.
Here is that post.
Today I finally got around to creating a wiki to continue the conversation (thanks to John Brandt for the reminder).
I’ve called it TeachingFutures and am inviting all of my wonderful readers to join and add to the conversation. I think I made it public to join, but if it isn’t, post a comment asking for an invite.
As you can probably tell from that last line, I am a wikinewbie and will be relying on your help to make this one work for us :)
Here’s a question – I have added a page, but it does not appear as a tab…is it supposed to? Will it only appear if I create a link to it from a main page? I went to edit the ‘home’ page but did not seem to have the option to keep the welcome content there, which describes a bit about how a wiki works. I’d like to keep that there for any other wikinewbies who may need it. I did manage to create a link from the menu side bar, though…woohoo!
So, to see the new page (and discussion) I started, click on the sidebar link called ‘Discovery’ when you get there.
Technorati Tags: wiki learning teaching education appreciativeinquiry conversation will-richardson dennis-harter kevin-sandridge nancy-riffer john-brandt tracy-rosen future development collaboration edtech educationtechnology web2.0 support vision schooltech relevance professionallearningcommunities mindfullness leadership emergentdesign connections change communitiesofpractice
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