
She’s Just Like You

Insight from Alyssa, one of my grade 1o students, who has graciously granted me permission to include this here. She’s Just Like You We’re always going to have that one person, that we’re jealous of. Because, they’re prettier than us. They have more friends then us. Their parents let them drink. They’re dating the captain She’s Just Like You

Crimes against Children: Am I Not Human?

An article on today’s struck me. It seemed unbelievable, the title seemed out of a supermarket paper, a tabloid: Quebec pastor who took child bride sentenced to 5 years According to the article, when Daniel Cormier was 48 he, a self-proclaimed pastor, married a 10-year old member of his Church. His Church was for Crimes against Children: Am I Not Human?

Blogapalooza 2009

It’s a task, trying to trackback how I discovered something via social media. I follow a modest hundred or so people on twitter, have a few hundred friends on the book, and then there are the bloggers in my rss feed. But I am pretty darn sure I found out about Blogapalooza via @Linda704. Like Blogapalooza 2009

7 things: A meme gleaned from Kate

I generally ignore these ‘things about me’ memes but lately I’m feeling introspective (for a few holy cow reasons that I may get into at a later date :) ) and have decided to take Kate up on her invitation and keep this meme moving. So, 7 things you probably don’t know about me… I 7 things: A meme gleaned from Kate

Let there be light!

I am learning how affected I am by the light. Yesterday I looked through a year’s worth of blog posts as I submitted 1 post for each month of 2008 to Blogapalooza and saw a pattern. In the depths of winter, whenever there is a lack of light, I have doubts. I am down. I Let there be light!