
What I mean by teachers being the only real agents of school reform

This post is actually a comment in the conversation around school change over at Public School Insights – Casting Call for Teachers. It’s pretty much in the same state, maybe an extra sentence or two. I think it helps to clarify what I mean when I say “Teachers are the only real agents of school What I mean by teachers being the only real agents of school reform

Sunday morning quickie re: learning & assessment

Yup, we definitely need to continue re-thinking learning and assessment. Content is cheap and easy to access. We need to be learning and assessing context and skills – how we manipulate content to create new contexts. Top News – High-tech cheating? Students see it differently. Thanks to @scottmcleod for this link.

Bridging gaps. In cultures. In my ideas.

Bridges. Sun rising. Strong metaphors for change in education.


The tree is rife with reiteration. Reminds me of this process of knocking out a solid dissertation proposal.

Reforming Reform v.2

What is our focus in education reform?