Tag: mindfullness

  • my 4 slides – a contest entry

    Scott McLeod’s post First … Then … Now … Next introduced me to the 4-slides sales pitch contest, hosted by Dan Meyer at dy/dan. Here are my slides.

    This was fun to do – AND I discovered an alternative to SlideShare, which has yet to work for me! It is called SlideBurner.

    **update – now that I have moved to WordPress.com I can no longer embed SlideBurner files into my posts, which I find strange since edublogs.org is powered by wordpress…

    So, I have discovered a work around for SlideShare. Even though it advertises acceptance of .odp files, it did not like them from my Ubuntu run operating system. I had to save the files as a .ppt file in OpenOffice and was able to upload it.



    View SlideShare presentation (tags: tracy 4 slides contest)
  • The tao of teaching in ambiguity

    image: Shadowed Crones by Rudha’an, found on flickr and offered under a creative commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 license.

    What I love about keeping a blog is the insight I glean from those in my blogging community. The other day I published a post called Understanding the Machine and in one of Christopher‘s comments I found a pearl:

    …but until I know who I’m going to be teaching, and how many, I’m stuck at an exploratory stage.

    This describes how I feel each time I prepare for a new group, whether they be elementary school students, high school students, university students, or any of their teachers and support staff. In fact, I feel that I am always at the exploratory stage and as soon as I feel I’m not, well, it’ll be time to change gears and start teaching something new.

    It also pretty much sums up the foundation of socio-constructivist approaches to teaching and learning like Differentiated Instruction.

    I was always amazed at teachers who were able to create detailed course outlines at the beginning of the school year. I remember asking a colleague how he could do so before he spent some time with his students and he answered, “Simple – there are 32 chapters in the text book and 4 terms in the school year. I just do the math.”

    I can’t see it as simply as that. Even for content courses with standardized testing (like Secondary IV Physical Science or History of Quebec). Until I get to know my students things are somewhat ambiguous because they make up most of the meat of anything I teach.

    My job is to continuously replenish my toolkit so that I have as many options as possible to explore with my students so that I can be sure the strategies I use mesh with the way they need to learn.

    I think that part of the magic of teaching is learning to live with ambiguity, yet to do so with inner authority and compassion, allowing course design to emerge based on community (classroom) needs. Oh, and to keep learning learning learning about as many different strategies as possible so that, as I create my courses (an ongoing process), I can say, wait – I know what might work here, let’s try this!

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  • Preparing the waters for change.

    St Lawrence River
    Image: photo of the St Lawrence River taken by me, available on flickr.

    mrsdurff introduced me to Class 2.0 in a recent comment on Understanding the Machine.

    I love the idea behind this site, and behind different workshops that places like LEARN in Quebec offer teachers.

    How do we negotiate the space between resources on the one hand (PD seminars and workshops, online tutorials, peers, books…) and teachers on the other?

    I asked some of these questions in an earlier post called Creating a Whole Brain Model for Education Reform

    * How can we create a ‘mashup’ of left and right brain tasks and environments that make sense to kids as learners and teachers as educators?
    * How can we create professional development experiences that not only teach these ideas but model them as well?   

    * How can we manage the transitions?

    It is that last one that I find so delicate and integral. We can create all kinds of curricula and workshops to share them with teachers, but unless teachers want to learn about them and use them..well, not much will change.

    I think the answer lies in sustained professional development. PD that spends a lot of its time, at first, with teachers in conversation about what is important to them, their values. Time spent rediscovering (for some) and fueling their passion for teaching and looking at how Web 2.0 fits in to all of that.

    When I say sustained I mean not one session at the beginning of the year, but each month throughout the year – throw away the %$#@! monthly staff meetings and replace them with teacher development time, where the community gets together to share, talk, and grow. Invite a student every once in a while to keep us on our toes as well! Make sure parents know what is going on and are involved in learning sessions as well, to keep the school accountable for the change.

    This requires a leader with a strong vision who recognizes the needs of his or her teachers at the same time as the students.

    As you can see, this is something I think about a lot. I have begun the process at one school I work at and we are seeing change in small yet integral areas. It is infectious and exciting. The waters are flowing.

    We will surely be using Class 2.0 with some of the teachers at this school!

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  • Conversations in edublogging

    Image: Conversation by thehighschoolchick made available on flickr with a creative commons license.

    Lately I have been voraciously reading and learning from different edubloggers. I am seeing my passion for authentic learning for our kids (and myself!) reflected in their posts. Here are just a few of the posts that have turned my crank in the past few days:

    Connected Curriculum – Relevant Reality on Durff’s Blog

    Getting Lucky and Making Change on Thinking Allowed

    School Administrators are Gatekeepers on Back by the Bell

    The Rules of Engagement on Notes from the Ridge

    Curriculum 2.0 on MEDagogy

    Failing Schools Pass Students
    on TeacherJay

    Important Questions about School Leader Preparation on LeaderTalk

    And I’m going to include this one, which is one of mine, because I’m enjoying the conversation that is happening in the comments.

    How does Technology fit with Learning? on Leading from the Heart

    Thanks to all you edubloggers who help to keep my mind working and my passion strong around teaching and learning.

    My wish is that the conversations continue!

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  • Understanding the machine

    Image: machine-free by jrtcollector-Sassy Bella Melange, made available by a creative commons license on flickr

    All teachers need to get on to letting students create bigger and better things with them — whether the teacher understands the machine or not. Topher

    Now THERE is the rub. The past few years in education has marked a transition from teacher controlled environments to student-centered ones where teachers need to give up the traditional sense of authority and control for an increased sense of learning and authenticity in the classroom.

    Project-based learning and learning that uses technology is scary for a teacher who doesn’t know about it. Traditionally, a teacher had all the answers. That is no longer true. Case in point – I taught the History of Quebec and Canada for the first time only about 4 years ago. I taught the course because 18 students had been targeted as needing resource support in order to have a chance at passing. I was the high school’s resource coordinator at the time and, as a joke, suggested I teach the course if so many students were going to need resource…and so I did. I hadn’t really thought about that History course in the 20 years since I had taken it (and passed with a glorious 54…). I was determined that the same thing would not happen to the students in my charge.

    So, even though I did not really ‘understand the machine’ I agreed to teach these students. I taught them how to learn using various technologies, from print to digital, with history as the context. It was certainly challenging – imagine the task of making the history of Quebec and Canada come alive to a majority Native (Mohawk from Kanahwake) classroom. Not to mention that my students had been identified as struggling ones. The secret to their success – 16 of the 18 passed that course on the first try, the provincial average is much lower than that – was that I saw through the material to the kids. I identified their needs, their learning styles, their interests and I spent the year frantically finding technologies that would meet all of those things, that would meet these kids.

    In order to do that I had to give up a certain sense of control, actually no. I did not give up control. I shifted it. Rather than being a holder of knowledge, I became a manager of learning. In fact, I had to be more on top of things to allow this to happen. I needed to create rubrics with clearly identified goals that all of my students were expected to meet. I needed to…well, you all probably know the many layers of things I needed to do, the point is that in order for this kind of a thing to work the role of the teacher needs to change and change can be very scary.

    Dennis wrote, in a recent comment,

    Justin and I are working on putting together some curricular attempts to answer those questions that you ask. An embedded tech curriculum based on thinking and collaborating and analyzing and creating and making decisions that can work alongside (and perhaps someday over) a curriculum based on knowledge content.

    My wish for this project – which I think is central to where education needs to go – is that as much thought and care – if not more – is put into teacher support.

    We need to support teachers as they go through these transitions, to support teachers as they teach in ambiguous times, to shift the emphasis from teaching history to kids to teaching kids how to learn history or math or geography or whatever. I’m not sure if we can really do that whether the teacher understands the machine or not my life would have been made MUCH easier if I hadn’t had to re-teach myself history that year, but I think that if we can teach teachers how and where to go for help in understanding the machine then we are doing a fabulous job.

    When I ask a teacher what they teach, the answer is usually a subject. I want that answer to shift from a subject to the subjects who are the most important of all – the students.

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