
How we move forward

I’ve had a few conversations with other teachers over the past 2 weeks or so about how quickly we transition into coming school years, even before the previous one is completely done. For me, I know the students who I will be teaching next year, for the most part – they went through an interview How we move forward

Ethics or (doing what we do)

Up at the top of this blog has appeared a new little grey box. Right there, next to Home. See it? Today I’m going to introduce you to it – readers, meet ‘Ethics’. Mine. I’ve been thinking about all of these words I’ve put into this blog, into my comments on other people’s blogs, about Ethics or (doing what we do)

(Pre)flections for Next Year

In Native American spirituality, the Raven is the messenger of magic from the great void where all knowledge waits for us. He is also the symbol of changes in consciousness, of levels of awareness and of perception. from http://www.ravenns.com/raven.htm So, this year is done. Yesterday was my final pedagogical day of the 2007/08 school year (Pre)flections for Next Year

Residential Schools Apology: Toward a Positive Future in Canada

**Aug. 19/08. My thoughts on this apology are shifting. See the progression here** Yesterday afternoon I sat in my car with tears rolling down my face as I listened to words of healing in our government’s apology to First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples in Canada for residential schooling, and in the various responses to Residential Schools Apology: Toward a Positive Future in Canada

“Put technology where it can be best used… In the classroom!”

[cross ranted as a comment at Stephen Ransom’s EdTechTrek] [and slightly elaborated] I am starting to think that because many teachers and administrators still do not know exactly what we can do with technology there is a reluctance to put it in the classroom. Example – today the Internet had, for some reason, stopped working “Put technology where it can be best used… In the classroom!”