Tracy Rosen

a special place closes

Private Weston School closes after 90 years RYAN BERGEN, The Gazette Published: Friday, June 22, 2007 I worked at Weston for 5 years – almost 4 as their high school resource coordinator and teacher, and about 1.5 as a substitute teacher when I was back in school myself. It was a special place where everyone strived a special place closes

What good is education for girls?

Image: cute_faces by oceandesetoiles made available by a creative commons license on flickr What Good is Education For Girls? by Habiba Bouhamed Chaabouni Educating girls and women can bring enormous social, economic and political benefits to developing countries. Dr. Habiba Bouhammed Chabouni, a Tunisian doctor, researcher and For Women In Science Laureate, takes on the What good is education for girls?

Facing up to Facebook

Over the past couple of weeks I have been hearing and reading about stories to do with facebook in (and out of) schools. At schools in Quebec and Ontario, students are being suspended for things that they are posting about their teachers and principals on facebook. These are the same kinds of things that students Facing up to Facebook

and now…youtube.

my previous post about facebook got me to thinking about other online venues where kids are commenting on their teachers. If you go to YouTube and search for teacher, angry teacher, mad teacher, you will find quite a few cell phone videos of teachers who are out of control. (Teacher Yelling at Student, Angry Teacher) and now…youtube.

facing up to facebook

Over the past couple of weeks I have been hearing and reading about stories to do with facebook in (and out of) schools. At schools in Quebec and Ontario, students are being suspended for things that they are posting about their teachers and principals on facebook. These are the same kinds of things that students facing up to facebook