Author: Tracy Rosen

  • Motivation, feedback, tech, and me.

    The ‘and me’ is key. This is in reference to me as a teacher and therefore a creator of learning situations.

    How do I use myself as a motivating instigator with those I teach?

    Made lovingly with the GIMP and SweetClipArt

    How do I provide effective feedback to those I teach?

    source: Gamification and Motivation: Tapping into psychology by Chloe Della Costa

    How do I recognize the feedback I receive from those I teach, from my colleagues, from other professionals?

    source: Recognizing Feedback in Disguise by Trev

    How do I mobilize technology when I teach, motivate, and provide or receive feedback?

    source: Sustaining Rather than Sustainable ICT4E by James BonTempo

    These are all big questions but this is not a blog post about providing pat answers to those questions. They are ongoing questions and the answers may should change as I work with different (groups of) learners.

    Essentially, I need to create situations where these questions are present, in the foreground. Situations where these questions create a framework for learning.

    This week, I am examining the creation of Personalized Systems of Instruction (PSI) and specifically how Wix, Weebly, CamStudio, MERLOT, and Hot Potatoes could facilitate learning situations based on PSI (see here how PSI is used by Rocco Iafigliola in a Quebec CollegePhysics classroom).

    Those questions will remain at the front line while I test out each of those resources. In the meantime, I have sent out a tweet for user experience…

    source: Tweeted on Jan. 13.
    Click here to view tweet + responses.

    …to be continued :)

  • Here are some questions for you…

    click on the image for source…and for a post on student questioning from Inquire Within.

    What do you teach? Whether it be math, English, French, science, History, economics, computer science… are you allowing your students to use whatever tools they need to be successful?

    Are you allowing your students to record themselves (or you) with their phones or tablets?

    Are you allowing your students to use their phones or tablets to look things up in class?

    Are you asking your students to write all of their work by hand?

    Are you questioning your students and expecting them to conduct their own inquiry?

    Are you providing your students with all of the answers that they need to memorize to pass a test?

    Whether your answer is yes or no to those questions… follow it up with


    and here is the biggie…

    Are you questioning yourself and your teaching practice on a regular basis?


  • French Help…Whenever!

    Learning a second language requires as much practice time with the language as possible. For second language learners, it can be truly overwhelming to try to squeeze all of your language learning into the few hours allotted for it during class-time. Now you (or your students :) can expand your learning to whenever it is convenient to you by subscribing to the YouTube Channel, French Help…Whenever!

    For the better part of a year I have been involved with a project spearheaded by Marc-Andre Lalande, Pedagogical Consultant with the RECIT Provincial Service for FGA (Huh? Basically he is the consultant for technology and pedagogical renewal in the adult education sector of Quebec’s English public education system). I am incredibly fortunate to be able to collaborate with awesome educators from around Quebec as we create learning capsules for French second language students in adult education (or anyone else who wants to use them).

    One of the best things about the project is that, as we are working on video capsules to help our adult learners, we are learning so much ourselves! We are stretching our knowledge about second language learning and in so doing we will be better equipped to help our students succeed.

    Our first video capsule – Frenchlation by Karine Bellefeuille-Ward and Véronique Bernard – is now live and new videos will be available on a regular basis, so stay tuned!

    I am very happy to see this project come to life!

  • The questions students ask…

    Yesterday, a student asked me this question: “Are Jews and white people the same thing?”

    I started with a no, because there are black Jews, there are brown Jews. But there are a lot of white Jews.

    “So, is it just their religion that makes them different from white people?”

    I thought…and said, maybe. A lot of people don’t like what is different from them. There is actually a word for when people really don’t like Jews, it’s called Anti-Semitism.

    He summed up our conversation with, “Racism sucks”.

    And then this morning, I read this article in the New York Times:
    Swastikas, Slurs and Torment in Town’s Schools: Pine Bush, N.Y., School District Faces Accusations of Anti-Semitism

    A high school graduate remembers:

    “He recalled that around the time of the Jewish holidays, teachers would ask if there were Jewish students in the class. “I learned very, very quickly not to raise my hand,” he said.”

    I have a vivid memory from my own childhood of a friend, in a burst of anger, telling me that us dirty Jews were all alike. We must have been 9 or 10.

    Just as vividly, I remember glimpses of indigo numbers sliding back and forth under my great-aunt’s sleeve as she raised her wine glass at Passover each year.

    Now, we do the Passover seder in our family, and we gather for Rosh Hashanah and Chanukah, and we respect Yom Kipur, but we don’t go to synagogue, we aren’t kosher, and we don’t focus on Israel. But we are definitely Jewish.

    As a young child, I remember asking my mother a similar question. A question about what makes us Jewish. Her response had something to do with how Hitler wouldn’t have cared how religious we were. We’d still have gone to the camps.

    So, were Jews involved in the atrocities that have rained down on Native peoples since (in this part of the world) roughly the 16th century? (Because I think that is where that question came from)

    I don’t know.

    But this question has me thinking about identity, hate, care, history, and my students.
    They still keep me thinking and questioning.

  • Once again…it’s not about technology

    I saw this image floating around twitter this morning and it pretty much sums up what I think about technology and learning.

    boring is still boring

    We don’t want to use technology for the sake of having a fancy, shiny tool to bedazzle our audience into learning. Like THAT’S going to work. An iPad is not going to instantly transform a lesson that doesn’t connect with our learners into one that does. Really, it won’t. If we try to do that, we’ll probably end up supporting the notion that it just adds another distraction to our learners because it will offer them another way to divert their attention from the same thing they weren’t connecting with in the first place.

    So, allow students to use an iPad if it makes sense. But not to dress up an old lesson.

    The why or when to use it is really contextual. Creating, connecting, practicing, researching…these are all good reasons to want your learners to have access to an iPad. But the real questions lie around what you are expecting your learners to create, connect with, practice, and research. Does it have meaning for them?

    Do they care?

    And, ultimately, do you?