Tracy Rosen

Make Me Care

Andrew Stanton’s line, “The greatest story commandment is: Make me care.” stopped me in my tracks when I first heard it almost a year ago. I was on my way to working with a couple of teachers in another area of Quebec and had a long drive ahead of me, so I plugged in my Make Me Care

Be sad. Be angry.

The other night, while so much of the world was busy counting medals a man was not convicted of murder for killing a 17-yr old boy who was listening to loud music in his car with his friends in front of a convenience store in Florida. That boy could have been any one of my Be sad. Be angry.

The magic of data: but how do we get there?

Nurturing the human piece. Therein lies the magical rub. The following are some lines to reflect on from: Experts: Here’s how to turn data into achievement by Dennis Pierce “Data is about infusing classrooms with information that changes the trajectory of learning,” “…struggled to get teachers on board with using data to inform instruction. “How The magic of data: but how do we get there?

Why blog? (and it’s not about making learning fun.)

Blogging is not about making journaling fun for students. It’s not about trying to find a reason for students to spell correctly. It’s not even about connecting them to global others. I can think of no more horrible an exercise than forcing all of the students in my class to create a blog for the Why blog? (and it’s not about making learning fun.)

Motivation, feedback, tech, and me.

The ‘and me’ is key. This is in reference to me as a teacher and therefore a creator of learning situations. How do I use myself as a motivating instigator with those I teach? How do I provide effective feedback to those I teach? How do I recognize the feedback I receive from those I Motivation, feedback, tech, and me.