
Is lecture a 4-letter word? Following up a year later

Today I received a comment from Miss Teacha on a post I published almost a year ago called Is ‘lecture’ a 4-letter word? She continues our love-hate relationship conversation about lecture. I started to write my reply as a comment and then decided to post it as its own post. So here it is. Thanks Is lecture a 4-letter word? Following up a year later

Who tells you how to teach?

This post was inspired by this passage from Teachers Should be Seen and not Heard by Anthony Mullen in EdWeek, Jan. 7, 2010. “What do you think?” the senator asked…. …”I’m thinking about the current health care debate, “I said. “And I am wondering if I will be asked to sit on a national committee Who tells you how to teach?

Pearls need discomfort, right?

“Those that have survived such perils of the sea as typhoons, suffocating red tides, and attacks from predators are brought ashore and opened. if everything has gone well, the result is a lovely, lustrous and very valuable pearl.” Click image for source. Yesterday after work I was typing up a commitment contract with our head Pearls need discomfort, right?

What does your best teaching look like?

I have a new blog. It’s called Teaching is a Verb and I want to collect stories about actual teaching practice there. The long term goal of the blog is to connect teachers to teachers by providing a framework for us to visit each other’s classrooms. We have so much to learn from each other. What does your best teaching look like?

Should process trump content?

You know, I used to think this. I used to think that as long as we taught the right tools our kids would be able to use them anywhere. They’d just plug in the right content and be done with it. It was the process that they needed to learn. Who cared about all that Should process trump content?