
Language Laws in Quebec’s Schools…time for a critical overhaul.

Student Ordered Out of English School from the Montreal Gazette. Imagine knowing you have to send your child to school in a language that isn’t his mother tongue. Despite the fact that such a school is available. Despite the fact that part of the boy’s family, albeit extended, can legally attend the school. Despite the Language Laws in Quebec’s Schools…time for a critical overhaul.

Carnival of Education

This week’s Carnival of Education, hosted at

Things to think on

What am I thinking on tonight? image from: Chris Lehmann’s post on students boycotting standardised exams: Reasonable Actions for Unreasonable Times and Whitney Hoffman‘s reflective question in response to the post: The real question is why we look at education as a content delivery system whose effectiveness can be tested by standardized six-sigma-esque methods, Things to think on