Month: August 2009

Attitudes toward teaching

Is there a big difference between public attitude towards teachers in the US and Canada? When people find out that I am a teacher I NEVER (and I am not a wanton all caps user) am made to feel like I have settled on teaching for lack of ability to do otherwise. Did I mention Attitudes toward teaching

Two Weeks and a Bit

…to get so much in :) I am SO excited to start work again. At the same time, I have so much I still want to do this summer. It’s going to be a busy 2 weeks and a bit :) The 4 of us, the teaching and support team at Directions, met last Monday. Two Weeks and a Bit

It’s basically about shifting from getting people to love you, to you loving them.

This post is going to be about an excerpt from Stephen Downe’s blog summary of Michael Wesch’s talk at D2L Fusion. Wait, you think that was a bit confusing? Before I get into the meat of this post, let’s take a moment to recognize exactly how I found these words. This morning I decided it It’s basically about shifting from getting people to love you, to you loving them.