Month: June 2008

End of year – closure, time, plans.

I forgot to have a good closure. Me, who knows of the importance of closure, forgot (me forgot? Whatever…). image from: Organizational Systems 2, A group of kids didn’t come in on the last day and, of those who did, another group left after lunch. And a couple of them played a bit of End of year – closure, time, plans.

Diagnosis=accommodations… hmmm… Amen of the Day goes to…Ira Socol

image from dmote on flickr, inserted via scribefire The May 1st post on SpeEd Change begins in this way: Start here: If your school, university, business, government requires “proof of disability” – that is, diagnosis – before providing accommodations, it is discriminating, and it is not committed to social justice, not committed to equality of Diagnosis=accommodations… hmmm… Amen of the Day goes to…Ira Socol