
On becoming a teacher

Kevin had a great answer to the question, “should I become a teacher?” Yes, if your passion is to change the lives of young people one day at a time and if you’re willing to see the results of your daily work only years into the future, then yes, you should become a teacher. But On becoming a teacher

farmers and teachers

From Dea Conrad-Curry at Notions and Potions in Thinking deeply about the seeds we plant: …I was thinking of how farmers and teachers are alike. They both are responsible to nurture valuable commodities. Their work is both science and art. They both possess intrinsic passion, returning day in and day out to work over which farmers and teachers

June in a sentence

My twitter feed tells me that some of us have finished teaching for the year, some of us have not only finished teaching but are on summer break already, and some of us are still out there. Teaching in June. What a situation to be in. It happens every year and each year it is June in a sentence

Reality check re: time

We have 52 teaching days left this year before the evaluation period. And that includes the 2 weeks my grade 11s will spend away from school on stage. Holy crapola. 52 days to accomplish the world! Luckily spring seems to have come early this year. I just witnessed a MOSQUITO flying up the wall in Reality check re: time

the very best teachers…

Just saw this tweet. Felt the need to record it. The very best teachers spend every day of their lives ignoring or subverting the curriculum via @paulawhite, via @Neilstephenson, via @kmadolf, via @alfiekohn or something like that…