

Structural cracks, doubts.

Pick it up

Time to move on build the skills…Time to elevate and never stand still

Trying to lead from the heart

Really, I am trying. I don’t usually write about my personal challenges as a teacher in this blog, but today I find myself needing to. I started at a new school this September and was hired to teach and design a new program for older students (16-21) who are not  expected to graduate. I’m now Trying to lead from the heart

The tao of teaching in ambiguity

image: Shadowed Crones by Rudha’an, found on flickr and offered under a creative commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 license. What I love about keeping a blog is the insight I glean from those in my blogging community. The other day I published a post called Understanding the Machine and in one of Christopher‘s comments I found The tao of teaching in ambiguity