Month: March 2007

Reflective Practice

The following is a rather lengthy quote, but I feel compelled to include it here. It is so revealing of the influence that teachers have on the students and the cultures of their classrooms. The quote describes a reflective period in a mini-action research cycle of one teacher – go to the article to see Reflective Practice

nature AND nurture: how our attitudes to learning can affect learning

Stressed-out parents may also tend to focus their child’s attention on negative events, the researchers add, which leads to a phenomenon called “attention bias” toward threat, making them more likely to see threats in their environment and to focus more intensely on these threats. from Genes plus parenting may promote shyness, anxiety on CNN, March nature AND nurture: how our attitudes to learning can affect learning

To middle school or not to middle school?

“…some middle school experts argue that school reconfiguration is a costly distraction from what adolescents really need: smaller classes, an engaging curriculum, personalized attention and well-prepared teachers.” I agree! Instead of looking at complicated school reconfigurations, I would take a much more grass-roots approach. No matter where they are, children in middle-school need classes tailored To middle school or not to middle school?