Professional Development

Adults monopolizing conversations about youth

We keep youth off to the side while the adults talk and talk about how to improve the world. To youth, it is a lot of talk and little change. It’s ironic and sad that youth, with the biggest stake in the future, are so often seen and not heard. Think of all the areas Adults monopolizing conversations about youth

Flavour-of-the-month: Get your red-hot PD here…but not for long!

I’ve been looking through my archives as a result of redesigning my blog over the weekend and saw a few posts about different flavours-of-the-month from years past. What I wrote in one post about PLCs (remember them?) from 2007 still resonates in me today but as I was link-checking to make sure the links still Flavour-of-the-month: Get your red-hot PD here…but not for long!

Addressing the ICT elephant in the room

In a recent conversation on LinkedIn, a commenter wrote: Teachers do not fear being ‘replaced’ by computers. That is a 1980 ‘s idea that has never gone away. I’d like to look at that fear. Is that really just an old wives tale? To a certain extent I believe that there are teachers who do Addressing the ICT elephant in the room

Is integrating technology still the goal?

A short while ago I began a discussion on LinkedIn asking if people agreed with my statement that integrating technology was not the goal. The comments were rich, if you are a member of TIE (Technology in Education) at LinkedIn, go ahead and read the comments. So many good thoughts. I thought I’d open it Is integrating technology still the goal?

QPAT workshop – OurPads: increasing student engagement…

Resources for the QPAT workshop –> OurPads: Increasing student engagement and enhancing learning Where we talk about how we have started to use iPads at the Nova Career and Education Centre of the New Frontiers School Board. **updated on Sunday, November 25, 2012 – Summary and feedback of Friday’s workshop, including Ali’s Math apps** Note QPAT workshop – OurPads: increasing student engagement…