
Alternative Schools

I work in an alternative school. Actually, it’s an alternative program within a large school. We have a closed off area of the building with a separate entrance and run by a slightly different schedule – we don’t hear the bells and are just fine with that! I am completing my first year here and Alternative Schools

Know your stuff, then…

…do what feels right. My practice distilled into one sentence, a sweet mélange of head and heart. This past week it’s been repeating like a mantra behind all of the activity – know your stuff, do what feels right. Stuff, of course, bears a lot of weight. Stuff can consist of curriculum, management, theory, school Know your stuff, then…

Antarctica goes North

Feeling a bit like this today. There are times when I feel confident, that I understand a situation, and then there are times when something happens that makes me realize what I understood was not really true at all. Antarctica goes North. The rest of this post has been edited, on the advice of two Antarctica goes North