Month: November 2009


I’ve made the decision to do something I have never done before and that is to remove a post. Well, actually, to replace it with this one. I have not been asked to do this by anyone, it is something I have decided to do on my own because, regardless of its intention, its results rant

On de-rubricizing

I almost forgot about my favourite line from yesterday’s QPAT convention keynote speaker, Alfie Kohn. He said it as I was leaving the room so it didn’t end up in my not-live blog post but I just found the page where I scribbled it as I was making my way to my car: The whole On de-rubricizing

Not-live Blogging – Alfie Kohn, at QPAT Convention 2009

  (read the beginning of my last post, also about a QPAT convention speaker, for an explanation of the whole not-live blogging thing)   Apparently there has been a provincial teacher’s association convention in Quebec every year since sometime in the 1800s. I did not know this.   It is interesting that Alfie Kohn is Not-live Blogging – Alfie Kohn, at QPAT Convention 2009

Not-live blogging: Understanding the Teen Brain or ‘Teen Whispering’

  This could also be subtitled ‘my journey from negative to positive head space through frustration to futility and emergent adaptation and integration’. This will make more sense as you read through these notes. It’s a long post. But I came to some aha moments throughout and definitely at the end in terms of PD Not-live blogging: Understanding the Teen Brain or ‘Teen Whispering’

The part that didn’t fail

click image for source So, to most accounts, the dialogue I wrote about in my last post was a big fail. At times it could have been described as bedlam, mayhem (what strange little words). It was the debrief that didn’t fail, the debrief with the student who, as I told him, held the class The part that didn’t fail