
Honouring their commitment to change

Because if they can make such deep and significant personal change in such a short time then they can do anything.

Carnival of Education

This week’s Carnival of Education, hosted at leadingfromtheheart.org

Reporting out and Following up

BlogHer Boston, personal research in organizational learning, following up on older posts…

Learning from my students as I rise

And I learn that it is not my job to make you feel complete.

Why I don’t do zeros.

Listen to these ideas. (Go here to see a mindmap of this podcast and links to resources I refer to in it or just keep reading normally. Whatever turns your crank.) [haiku url=”http://www.tracyrosen.com/leadingfromtheheart.org/wp-content/uploads/podcasts/assessmentAug9.mp3″ title=”Why I don’t do zeros”]   Image: from Not So Good by zephyrbunny, found on flickr and made available through a creative Why I don’t do zeros.