Professional Development

Calling for help in high school tech workshop development in English and en français

I will be facilitating two workshops, essentially identical though different ;) , on integrating technology into secondary school classrooms. Specifically Language Arts, History, and Science. When it comes to workshops, teachers want practical ideas that they can use in their classrooms so I will be organizing the workshops by practice first and then filling the Calling for help in high school tech workshop development in English and en français

Being human and classroom management

We are just about coming to the end of the classroom management section of my summer course (Teaching French as a 2nd Language). The more I learn about classroom management the more I realize that most of it is about being human and doing the right thing. Strategies that arose in relation to managing a Being human and classroom management

for now I plan…

…on doing what I need to do to make me happy, to make me feel instrumental. That will make me a better teacher. What about you?

Not-live Blogging – Alfie Kohn, at QPAT Convention 2009

  (read the beginning of my last post, also about a QPAT convention speaker, for an explanation of the whole not-live blogging thing)   Apparently there has been a provincial teacher’s association convention in Quebec every year since sometime in the 1800s. I did not know this.   It is interesting that Alfie Kohn is Not-live Blogging – Alfie Kohn, at QPAT Convention 2009

Not-live blogging: Understanding the Teen Brain or ‘Teen Whispering’

  This could also be subtitled ‘my journey from negative to positive head space through frustration to futility and emergent adaptation and integration’. This will make more sense as you read through these notes. It’s a long post. But I came to some aha moments throughout and definitely at the end in terms of PD Not-live blogging: Understanding the Teen Brain or ‘Teen Whispering’