Stories from the heart

Someone has to say it.

I became a teacher because I wanted to make sure as many children as possible could learn to read. And Elise Gravel’s books helped me in that mission. I relied on her books to support the learning in my French classroom. And whenever anyone asked me about what materials to use for French language learning in Quebec, I’d shout her name from the rooftops. But I can’t trust her stories anymore.

A note on recent events.

I’ve been numb this week. I’ve been angry. I’ve felt rage and sadness and alone. 

A few of you know this. You reached out, sent me words of love. That means more than I hope you will ever know.

Checking ourselves. When good teachers are racist.

Checking ourselves. Environment. Culture. Self. Racism in the classroom. twitter handle @tracyrosen

Close to 15 years ago, I became friends with a teacher in South Burlington, Vermont. She was a master at differentiation and I met her first through a webinar and then in person. She graciously allowed me to bring a group of teachers from Montreal to spend the day in her classroom. It was a Checking ourselves. When good teachers are racist.

When we talk, when we listen. We get better together. (epilogue)

A story in 3 parts – epilogue I already posted an article earlier today called English Sector Exclusion: A story in 3 parts and I don’t usually post twice in one day but today, I need to. The survey that excluded anglophone school boards (and therefore the voices of teachers who work within these boards)? It When we talk, when we listen. We get better together. (epilogue)

English Sector Exclusion: A story in 3 parts.

Part 3 Yesterday afternoon I was forwarded this questionnaire by a colleague in another province. I was attracted by the headline because I thought it was important to gather this kind of data. But when I went to fill out the questionnaire, I realized that, though I teach in the public system in Quebec, my experience didn’t English Sector Exclusion: A story in 3 parts.